Do business in Korea as if you were in Korea and travel less

Representation, Flagging, Intelligent information, Liaison, Marketing Suport


One of the biggest difficulties faced by foreign corporations doing business in Korea is setting up an effective communications strategy due to a lack of correct information and analyses of the economy, businesses, industries, markets, corporations, and related contact persons within the related fields.


Frustration comes from a lack of proper and honest information. Our job is not to tell the client what we think they wish to know but what we know they need to hear.


Whether visiting Korea often or rarely, for those who are in business approach with Korean market or corporates, it is always useful to have a Korean expert as project coordinator/facilitator to take care of the business in Korea as the flagging representative for communicational efficiency and to avoid unforeseen misunderstanding and disadvantages in the midst of cultural gap.


We care about your needs on an individual base or as a corporate agency.


Services include, but not limited to,

- Representation and flagging as if you were in Korea

-  Media Monitoring (note *)

- Sourcing partners and resources

- Gathering and analyzing intelligent information

- Liaison

- Marketing and sales support

- Purchasing, inspection, and logistics

- HR issues and executive searching

- PR and awareness management

- On-site support and others.


(note *) The basic approach of HPR's media monitoring is not collecting every and each duplicated mushroom news and gossips in Korean media so to let you free from reading bulky stereotype storybooks every day. Reading the news as if we were the client, we streamline the main points to let you know together with our insights and foresight as well as related regulatory and business environments